How to register me
In this section we explain to you, how regsiter a new user, with a address mail and one strong password. This user will be the only address stored, whoever manages the sites will be helped by those who registered the service.
Do you manage spaces and areas?
Do you are facility management specialist?
Do you have guests and visitors to manage?
Do you are facility management specialist?
Do you have guests and visitors to manage?
It's easy
You are lucky, visit our site “”, from your broser and try an amazing service, to easily manage this information.

Follow these simple steps:
- Go to our website
- Sign in with your email address on “register it’s free” button.
- Confirm use of COOKIES, form work with application.
- Provide a valid email address and a password with miminum 8 chars
- Consent our data processing and the "Terms of service”
- Go to “Register the information” and click
Is very important - confirm email registration
After 1st login, you will soon receive an email to confirm your registration, then you have access service for 6 month service it’s free.