API development

API V1.01

Rev.1.01a  Dec 2024

Who is it for?

This section is mainly indicated to those who want to develop software and hardware, to those who want to develop software and hardware 

La strategia di EasyBadge, è di collaborare nel realizzare hardware e software, per fidelizzare i clienti. La soluzione  migliore è dedicarsi all’ottimizzazione del cliente e dare la possibilità di implementare, soluzioni  come EasyBadge.net 

GaPO: a RaspBerry is currently being developed to be able to locally share EasyBadge personal data within the company and communicate with EasyBadge directly. A section will be dedicated to this device.

What is it for

The device integration, with EasyBADGE information, allow you to enhance the experience  visitor, guests and anyone who interacts with the customer.

The EasyBADGE service, wants to grow and release modules to simplify, complex procedures and allows the customer to focus on the important things. 

Covid pass green and valid

What is it for

In the interest of using the EasyBADGE Web procedure, it is possible to achieve or take advantage of what others can achieve, to better compete on the market. At present, the API, with the help of a simple REST client library, allows you to:

  • Design an APP, with authentication
    • list of sites
    • list of BADGE
    • confirm entry / exit BADGE, with barcode
    • search for the BADGE via RFID tag (under development)
    • search for the BADGE via NFC tag (in development)
  • Create devices for:
    • IN OUT turnstile (under development) 
    • a scan of a license plate (in development)

the rest is….


Each site can have a multitude of systems to aid the same purpose, and each specialized in solving one or more problems.

The important thing is to dedicate promotion to the construction of a plant


Collaboration between systems is the current, most promotional form in the world of services and industry. 

Creating systems on services and the mutual promotion is worth 10 times more than doing it all yourself. We use APIs and a software service that is strengthened and improved every day so as to have a successful product in less time and investments.


Open the API portal with the credentials with which you access the EasyBADGE service, register your devices and request the credential keys for them. 

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